10 Best Google Analytics Alternatives

Find the best Google Analytics alternatives with our top 10 recommended alternatives to Google Analytics and discover today the perfect solution for your needs.

If Google Analytics is not the right choice for you and you are looking for the perfect Google Analytics alternative, then you are in the right place. We have compiled a list of the top 10 best alternatives to Google Analytics to help you find the right alternative that fits your needs.


Matomo is a great alternative to Google Analytics and offers features such as web analytics, user tracking and behavior analysis, conversion tracking, privacy-focused analytics, customizable reporting.

Some of the advantages of choosing Matomo include: Self-hosted solution providing full data ownership and privacy, customizable and flexible analytics platform, comprehensive tracking and reporting features, supports GDPR compliance.

On the other hand, the downsides of using Matomo are: Requires self-hosting and technical setup, may have a steeper learning curve compared to other analytics tools.


Mixpanel is also a good alternative to Google Analytics and provides many useful features such as event tracking, funnel analysis, user segmentation, a/b testing, retention analysis.

The biggest advantages of choosing Mixpanel include: Advanced analytics and user tracking capabilities, robust segmentation and cohort analysis, real-time data monitoring, customizable dashboards and reports.

The cons of using Mixpanel are: Steep learning curve for beginners, limited free plan features, may require technical implementation for advanced tracking.


Kissmetrics makes a good alternative to Google Analytics because it offers similar features, such as customer analytics, user behavior tracking, conversion tracking, funnel analysis, cohort analysis.

The positives we found about it include: Robust customer analytics and tracking capabilities, provides deep insights into customer behavior and conversions, allows for segmentation and targeting based on user behavior, easy integration with popular platforms and tools.

The worst part of using this software are: Steeper learning curve, limited integrations compared to other analytics platforms, pricing may be higher for smaller businesses.


Google Analytics and Piwik are two different solutions on the market, but they share some features and functionalities.

Piwik offers features such as web analytics, data privacy, customizable reports, real-time analytics, visitor behavior tracking.

Some of the things where Piwik excels are: Open-source, customizable, provides detailed analytics, data ownership and privacy control, supports multi-site tracking.

On the other side, some of the cons include: Steeper learning curve for beginners, requires technical knowledge for advanced customization, self-hosting may require additional server resources.


The target audience for Google Analytics and Clicky are quite different, but their features overlap so it could make a good alternative.

The main key features of Clicky are: web analytics, real-time data, heatmaps and session replays, conversion tracking, user segmentation.

Some of the reasons why you should consider Clicky are: Real-time website analytics, detailed visitor tracking, heatmaps, uptime monitoring, customizable dashboards.

Unfortunately, some of the problems you may find could be: Advanced features and larger data limits available only in higher-priced plans, limited integration options with certain platforms.


Heap can be a good alternative to Google Analytics, but there are some differences that you need to be aware of.

Heap has an extensive feature suit that makes it a good option. Some of the main features are: user analytics, event tracking, data visualization, conversion funnels, user segmentation.

Heap shines when it comes to Automatic event tracking, detailed user behavior analytics, retroactive analysis, data visualization.

The downside of using Heap is: Limited customization options, steeper learning curve for beginners, higher pricing compared to some competitors.

Adobe Analytics

Both Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics offer great and similar features. The top features of Adobe Analytics are: advanced analytics, real-time data analysis, customer segmentation, conversion tracking, data visualization.

Some of the reasons that might make you choose Adobe Analytics are: Advanced analytics capabilities, customizable dashboards and reports, real-time data tracking and visualization.

The reasons that might make you avoid Adobe Analytics are: Steeper learning curve for beginners, high pricing compared to some competitors, requires integration with other Adobe products for full functionality.


In terms of features, there’s not too much to complain about Hotjar as an alternative to Google Analytics.

It offers many useful features, such as: website heatmaps, visitor recordings, conversion funnels, form analysis, feedback polls.

The dealbreaker could be things like: Higher pricing compared to some competitors, steeper learning curve for beginners, limited integrations.

On the other hand, Hotjar trumps when it comes to Heatmaps, session recordings, user feedback collection, funnel visualization.


Features such as customer analytics and behavioral tracking, user journey mapping, real-time analytics and reporting, customer segmentation and targeting make Woopra an attractive alternative to Google Analytics.

Some of the things we love about Woopra include: Customer analytics platform, real-time data tracking, comprehensive insights.

Higher pricing compared to some competitors, steeper learning curve for beginners, limited integrations are some of the things we didn’t like much about Woopra.


If we outline the main features of StatCounter, we end up with features like: website analytics, visitor tracking, page views and visit statistics, referral analysis, user behavior analysis. This makes it a valid alternative to Google Analytics.

What we loved about StatCounter were things such as: Real-time website analytics, visitor tracking, detailed reports.

Our main criticism of StatCounter is some limitations like: Limited advanced features compared to some competitors, occasional glitches and errors.

Conclusion: The Best Google Analytics Alternative For You

Google Analytics is a good platform that can help you in many ways. However, if you need an alternative, you have plenty of amazing tools you can pick from our list.

Our main recommendations as Google Analytics alternatives are Matomo, Mixpanel, and Kissmetrics, but remember that not all software was created equal, so you need to prioritize your specific needs and choose accordingly.

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