10 Best Facebook Ads Manager Alternatives

Find the best Facebook Ads Manager alternatives with our top 10 recommended alternatives to Facebook Ads Manager and discover today the perfect solution for your needs.

If Facebook Ads Manager is not the right choice for you and you are looking for the perfect Facebook Ads Manager alternative, then you are in the right place. We have compiled a list of the top 10 best alternatives to Facebook Ads Manager to help you find the right alternative that fits your needs.

Google Ads is a great alternative to Facebook Ads Manager and offers features such as online advertising, ppc campaigns, keyword targeting, ad performance tracking, audience targeting.

Some of the advantages of choosing Google Ads include: Wide reach and targeting options for online advertising, extensive keyword research and ad campaign management, detailed reporting and analytics, integration with other Google products.

On the other hand, the downsides of using Google Ads are: Requires ongoing monitoring and optimization for optimal ad performance, can be expensive depending on the advertising budget, learning curve for beginners.

Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft Advertising is also a good alternative to Facebook Ads Manager and provides many useful features such as online advertising, ad campaign management, audience targeting, ad performance tracking, conversion tracking.

The biggest advantages of choosing Microsoft Advertising include: Wide reach with Microsoft search network and partner sites, diverse ad formats, advanced targeting options, integration with other Microsoft tools.

The cons of using Microsoft Advertising are: Smaller reach compared to Google Ads, user interface can be less intuitive for some users, less comprehensive reporting and analytics.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads makes a good alternative to Facebook Ads Manager because it offers similar features, such as online advertising on linkedin, ad campaign management, audience targeting, ad performance tracking, lead generation.

The positives we found about it include: Highly targeted advertising platform, access to a professional audience, advanced targeting options including job title, industry, company, and more, robust analytics and reporting, integration with LinkedIn’s professional network.

The worst part of using this software are: Targeting options may not be as extensive as some other advertising platforms, limited advertising formats compared to major social media platforms, higher cost per click compared to some competitors.

Twitter Ads

Facebook Ads Manager and Twitter Ads are two different solutions on the market, but they share some features and functionalities.

Twitter Ads offers features such as online advertising on twitter, ad campaign management, audience targeting, ad performance tracking, promoted trends.

Some of the things where Twitter Ads excels are: Targeted advertising on Twitter, reach a large audience, precise targeting options, real-time engagement and campaign monitoring.

On the other side, some of the cons include: Ad performance can be unpredictable, limited ad targeting options compared to other platforms, high competition for popular ad placements.

Quora Ads

The target audience for Facebook Ads Manager and Quora Ads are quite different, but their features overlap so it could make a good alternative.

The main key features of Quora Ads are: online advertising on quora, ad campaign management, audience targeting, ad performance tracking, native ad formats.

Some of the reasons why you should consider Quora Ads are: Advertising platform on Quora, access to a highly engaged audience, precise targeting options.

Unfortunately, some of the problems you may find could be: Limited reach compared to larger advertising platforms, may require additional efforts for ad optimization and targeting, limited support for certain industries and niches.

Amazon Advertising

Amazon Advertising can be a good alternative to Facebook Ads Manager, but there are some differences that you need to be aware of.

Amazon Advertising has an extensive feature suit that makes it a good option. Some of the main features are: online advertising on amazon, ad campaign management, product targeting, sponsored ads, reporting and analytics.

Amazon Advertising shines when it comes to Advertising platform on Amazon, access to a large customer base, precise targeting options.

The downside of using Amazon Advertising is: Strict advertising policies and guidelines, competitive marketplace with high costs per click, limited support for certain product categories and markets.


Both Facebook Ads Manager and Taboola offer great and similar features. The top features of Taboola are: native advertising platform, content distribution, targeted audience reach, performance tracking and optimization, reporting and analytics.

Some of the reasons that might make you choose Taboola are: Content discovery and native advertising platform, wide reach and audience targeting options, real-time optimization.

The reasons that might make you avoid Taboola are: Higher pricing compared to some competitors, strict editorial guidelines and approval process, limited control over ad placements.


In terms of features, there’s not too much to complain about Outbrain as an alternative to Facebook Ads Manager.

It offers many useful features, such as: native advertising platform, content discovery, targeted audience reach, performance tracking and optimization, reporting and analytics.

The dealbreaker could be things like: Higher pricing compared to some competitors, limited support options, occasional glitches and errors.

On the other hand, Outbrain trumps when it comes to Native advertising platform, content discovery, wide reach and audience targeting.


Features such as retargeting and display advertising platform, ad campaign management, audience segmentation, performance tracking, reporting and analytics make AdRoll an attractive alternative to Facebook Ads Manager.

Some of the things we love about AdRoll include: Advertising platform, retargeting campaigns, audience segmentation.

Higher pricing compared to some competitors, limited support options, occasional glitches and errors are some of the things we didn’t like much about AdRoll.


If we outline the main features of Criteo, we end up with features like: digital advertising and retargeting platform, personalized ad campaigns, audience targeting, performance tracking, reporting and analytics. This makes it a valid alternative to Facebook Ads Manager.

What we loved about Criteo were things such as: Advertising platform, personalized ads, audience targeting.

Our main criticism of Criteo is some limitations like: Higher pricing compared to some competitors, limited customization options, occasional glitches and errors.

Conclusion: The Best Facebook Ads Manager Alternative For You

Facebook Ads Manager is a good platform that can help you in many ways. However, if you need an alternative, you have plenty of amazing tools you can pick from our list.

Our main recommendations as Facebook Ads Manager alternatives are Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and LinkedIn Ads, but remember that not all software was created equal, so you need to prioritize your specific needs and choose accordingly.

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