Rewardful Review: An honest Look At This Popular Referral Software

Looking for an all-in-one affiliate marketing solution? In this Rewardful review I will show you all you need to know about this software so that you can decide if it is the right choice for your business.
Rewardful Logo
Rewardful Logo
  • Easy to use and simple setup
  • Affordable
  • Free Trial
  • Clean affiliate URLs, no ugly redirects
  • Deep integration with Stripe
  • Advanced insights and analytics
  • Custom campaigns and parameters
  • Not many payment options
  • Can’t pay affiliates directly on the platform

What Is Rewardful?

Rewardful is a software platform designed for affiliate marketing management. It allows businesses to create and manage affiliate programs, which incentivize other individuals or businesses to promote their products or services in exchange for a commission on any resulting sales. With Rewardful, businesses can create custom referral links and track the performance of their affiliates, as well as manage payouts and other program details.

Rewardful offers a variety of features to help businesses optimize their affiliate programs and maximize their return on investment. These include real-time reporting and analytics, customizable commission structures, and integration with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Stripe. The platform also provides tools for affiliate recruitment and management, such as email templates, promotional materials, and performance tracking.

How Does Rewardful Work?

Rewardful is a software platform that helps businesses manage their affiliate marketing programs. Here’s a brief overview of how it works:

  1. Sign up for Rewardful: Businesses can create an account with Rewardful and set up their affiliate program in just a few clicks.
  2. Set up your program: Once signed in, businesses can customize their affiliate program by setting commission rates, creating referral links, and designing promotional materials.
  3. Recruit affiliates: To start promoting the program, businesses can invite affiliates to join through a variety of channels, such as email marketing or social media.
  4. Affiliates promote your business: Once approved, affiliates can start promoting the business by sharing their referral links on their websites, social media channels, or other marketing channels.
  5. Track performance: Rewardful tracks each affiliate’s performance in real-time, including clicks, conversions, and commissions earned.
  6. Payouts: Businesses can pay affiliates with payment gateways like PayPal or Stripe for automatic payouts.
Rewardfull Dashboard
Rewardfull Dashboard

Rewardful Features

Rewardful offers a range of features to help businesses manage their affiliate marketing programs. Here are some of the main features of Rewardful:

Customizable commission structures

Businesses can set custom commission rates for affiliates based on their preferences, and Rewardful supports a variety of commission models, such as one-time payments or recurring commissions.

Tracking and Reporting

Rewardful tracks each affiliate’s performance in real-time, including clicks, conversions, and commissions earned, and provides detailed analytics and reporting.

Rewardful Analytics
Rewardful Reporting

Integration with e-commerce platforms

Rewardful integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, and WooCommerce, making it easy for businesses to manage their affiliate programs alongside their existing sales channels.

Affiliate recruitment tools

Rewardful provides tools for businesses to recruit and manage their affiliates, including email templates, promotional materials, and performance tracking.

Setup and customization

Rewardful is user-friendly and easy to set up, with intuitive customization options for businesses to create their own branded affiliate programs.

Automatic payouts

Rewardful supports automatic payouts to affiliates through payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe.

Rewardful Pros & Cons

  • User-friendly platform
  • Customizable commission structures
  • Real-time tracking and reporting
  • Integration with e-commerce platforms
  • Provides affiliate recruitment tools
  • Auto payouts
  • Not many payment options
  • Can’t pay affiliates directly on the platform

Rewardful Stripe

Rewardful integrates with Stripe to enable automatic affiliate payouts for businesses that use Stripe as their payment gateway. Here’s how the integration works:

  1. Set up a Stripe account: To use the Stripe integration with Rewardful, businesses need to have a Stripe account set up and connected to their website or e-commerce platform.
  2. Connect Rewardful to Stripe: Once the Stripe account is set up, businesses can connect it to their Rewardful account through the platform’s integration settings. This allows Rewardful to access the necessary payment data to process affiliate payouts.
  3. Enable automatic payouts: With the integration set up, businesses can configure their affiliate program to automatically pay out commissions to affiliates through Stripe, based on their preferred payment schedule (such as weekly or monthly).
  4. Monitor payouts and performance: As affiliates generate clicks and conversions, Rewardful tracks their performance and calculates the commissions owed. These commissions are automatically processed and paid out to the affiliates through Stripe, with payment information and transaction details logged in both Rewardful and Stripe for easy tracking and reconciliation.

Rewardful API

The Rewardful API (Application Programming Interface) allows businesses to integrate Rewardful’s affiliate marketing functionality with their own applications, websites, or platforms. Here’s how it works:

  1. Access the API documentation: The first step to using the Rewardful API is to access the API documentation on the Rewardful website. This documentation provides a detailed overview of the API’s capabilities, endpoints, and parameters.
  2. Set up an API key: To use the API, businesses need to set up an API key through their Rewardful account. This key is a unique identifier that grants access to the API’s functionality.
  3. Make API requests: With the API key in hand, businesses can use it to make API requests to the Rewardful platform, such as creating new affiliates, tracking clicks and conversions, or retrieving commission data.
  4. Handle API responses: When the API makes a request to Rewardful, the platform responds with a JSON-formatted response containing the requested data. Businesses need to handle these responses appropriately in their own applications, for example by displaying affiliate information or processing commission data.

Rewardful Pricing

Rewardful offers a range of pricing plans to fit businesses of different sizes and needs.

The cheapest plan starts at $29/month and goes up to $299/month if you need the Enterprise plan. Most businesses start with a Performance plan and upgrade if they need it.

Rewardful offers a 14 day free trial that allows you to test the software for free but does not offer a free plan.

Overall, Rewardful’s pricing is transparent and flexible, allowing businesses to choose the plan that best fits their budget and needs.

Here’s an overview of the pricing options:

rewardful pricing plans
Rewardful pricing

Rewardful Alternatives

First Promoter

FirstPromoter is a cloud-based affiliate marketing solution designed for e-commerce businesses, SaaS companies, and subscription-based services. Just like Rewardful, It offers a variety of features to help businesses build, manage, and scale their affiliate programs. Their pricing starts at $49/month, which is more expensive than the Rewardful pricing plan.


This is probably the most affordable affiliate management software. The big difference is that UpPromote offers a free plan if that is what you are looking for. It is more limited than Rewardful, but it is also a different alternative you can try.


Refersion is a little more expensive and it is tailored for Shopify and e-commerce stores rather than Saas or other kinds of products. Also offers many customization features for affiliate management.

Rewardful Review Verdict

Overall, while Rewardful is a powerful and user-friendly affiliate marketing platform, it may not be the best fit for every business, especially those with specific or complex needs. It’s important to carefully evaluate the features and limitations of any affiliate management software before making a decision.

I hope this Rewardful review gave you the insights you need to make a decision and you can always try it by taking advantage of the 14 day free trial.

Rewardful Review FAQS

How do I add rewardful to Stripe?

Step 1: Sign in to your Stripe account and navigate to the “Developers” section.
Step 2: Click on “API Keys” and copy your “Publishable key” and “Secret key” from Stripe.
Step 3: Sign in to your Rewardful account and go to “Settings”.
Step 4: Click on the “Integrations” tab, and then click on “Connect with Stripe”.
Step 5: Enter your Stripe “Publishable key” and “Secret key” into the fields provided.
Step 6: Click “Connect with Stripe”.
Step 7: Once the connection is established, you can set up your commission structure, create affiliate links, and start tracking your affiliates’ performance.

How much does Rewardful cost?

The cheapest plan starts at $29/month and goes up to $299/month. The starter plan costs $49/month and the Growth plan costs $99/month.

Is Rewardful free?

No, Rewardful doesn’t offer a free plan, but it has a 14 day free trial you can claim to test the software without spending any money.

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