10 Best Powerbi Alternatives

Find the best Powerbi alternatives with our top 10 recommended alternatives to Powerbi and discover today the perfect solution for your needs.

If Powerbi is not the right choice for you and you are looking for the perfect Powerbi alternative, then you are in the right place. We have compiled a list of the top 10 best alternatives to Powerbi to help you find the right alternative that fits your needs.


Tableau is a great alternative to Powerbi and offers features such as powerful data visualization and business intelligence platform, user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, connects to various data sources.

Some of the advantages of choosing Tableau include: powerful data visualization and business intelligence platform, user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, connects to various data sources.

On the other hand, the downsides of using Tableau are: costly for individual users and small businesses, steeper learning curve for complex data analysis.


QlikView is also a good alternative to Powerbi and provides many useful features such as business intelligence and data visualization platform, allows interactive data analysis and reporting.

The biggest advantages of choosing QlikView include: powerful data visualization and analysis, user-friendly interface for non-technical users, supports various data sources.

The cons of using QlikView are: licensing costs can be high, resource-intensive for large datasets.


Looker makes a good alternative to Powerbi because it offers similar features, such as business intelligence and data analytics platform, allows interactive data analysis and reporting.

The positives we found about it include: powerful data visualization and analysis, user-friendly interface for non-technical users, supports various data sources.

The worst part of using this software is: licensing costs can be high, resource-intensive for large datasets.


Powerbi and Domo are two different solutions on the market, but they share some features and functionalities.

Domo offers features such as business intelligence and data visualization platform, offers tools for data analysis and reporting.

Some of the things where Domo excels are: user-friendly data visualization and reporting, supports data integration from multiple sources, accessible dashboards.

On the other side, some of the cons include: pricing can be high for some plans, may have limitations on data storage and users.


The target audience for Powerbi and Sisense are quite different, but their features overlap so it could make a good alternative.

The main key features of Sisense are: business intelligence and data analytics platform.

Some of the reasons why you should consider Sisense are: supports data visualization and reporting, easy data integration, user-friendly dashboards.

Unfortunately, some of the problems you may find could be: may have limitations on the number of data sources or users for certain plans, pricing can be expensive for large datasets.

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio can be a good alternative to Powerbi, but there are some differences that you need to be aware of.

Google Data Studio has an extensive feature suit that makes it a good option. Some of the main features are: data visualization and reporting tool by Google.

Google Data Studio shines when it comes to provides interactive data dashboards and reports, integrates with various data sources.

The downside of using Google Data Studio is: may have limitations on certain data sources and advanced data transformations.

Dundas BI

Both Powerbi and Dundas BI offer great and similar features. The top features of Dundas BI are: business intelligence and data visualization tool.

Some of the reasons that might make you choose Dundas BI are: supports interactive data dashboards and reports, provides integration with various data sources.

The reasons that might make you avoid Dundas BI are: may require additional training for new users and have a learning curve for advanced data visualization features.


In terms of features, there’s not too much to complain about Yellowfin as an alternative to Powerbi.

It offers many useful features, such as: business intelligence and data analytics platform.

The dealbreaker could be things like: may have limitations on certain data connectors and require additional setup for specific data analytics use cases.

On the other hand, Yellowfin trumps when it comes to supports interactive data visualizations and reports, provides integration with various data sources.

Zoho Analytics

Features such as business intelligence and data analytics platform make Zoho Analytics an attractive alternative to Powerbi.

Some of the things we love about Zoho Analytics include: supports interactive data visualizations and reports, provides integration with various data sources.

What we didn’t like much about Zoho Analytics is: may have limitations on certain data connectors and require additional setup for specific data analytics use cases.

Microsoft Excel (with Power Query)

If we outline the main features of Microsoft Excel (with Power Query), we end up with features like: spreadsheet software with data query and integration features. This makes it a valid alternative to Powerbi.

What we loved about Microsoft Excel (with Power Query) were things such as: provides data transformation and integration using Power Query, supports various data sources and formats.

Our main criticism of Microsoft Excel (with Power Query) is some limitations like: may have limitations on certain data connectors and require specific Excel versions for Power Query features.

Conclusion: The Best Powerbi Alternative For You

Powerbi is a good platform that can help you in many ways. However, if you need an alternative, you have plenty of amazing tools you can pick from our list.

Our main recommendations as Powerbi alternatives are Tableau, QlikView, and Looker, but remember that not all software was created equal, so you need to prioritize your specific needs and choose accordingly.


Please note that software offerings may change over time, so always verify the alternatives and their capabilities before making any decisions.

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